Saturday, August 23, 2008

Life plans

Life is funny. I don't know why we even bother making plans when they always end up getting changed anyway. But still, I continue to make plans, because this is my nature; I am a plan maker.

So currently, here are my plans:
To finish undergraduate
Go straight to graduate school
Go out into the working world
make money
While doing all the stuff listed above, I also plan to be a wife and mother.

Here are my desires:
To have another child
To quit school altogether
To make jewelry and other crafts (maybe plan parties) for a living
To have friends

See, currently, in my plans, I have no room for another child. Being a chemistry major, you can't be pregnant and go to school. But I'm about ready to have another baby. That baby doesn't fit in my plans.

I think I am just burned out on school right now. I never have been one to finish things

I just want to let my creative juices flow instead of doing something that makes sense. But doing something that makes sense also makes money

Why is it that what you want to do and what you know you have to do always conflict?

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