Sunday, August 17, 2008

Adventures in Houston.

As I sit here basking in this quiet afternoon (due mainly of course to my three year old being asleep), I begin to realize how not quiet it was at the Houston Children's Museum. Yes, we drove down to Houston to let my son go to the Children's Museum.

My husband's boss asked if they have children tacked up to the wall in glass cases. Not quite, but it was definitely a child's dream. They could touch and interact with EVERYTHING in the museum. To tell the truth I had fun, too. And it was fairly cheap- only $5 per person.

In the first room, there was a van that the kids could get in and "ride" or "drive". My son is very non-confrontational and soft spoken around other children. Those of you who know him will find this hard to believe, but it's true. So when other children kept pushing him out of the way to drive the van, he just sad there like a dejected little puppy, but he wouldn't leave until he got to drive. Another little boy about 3 or 4 pushed him out of the way and drove for about 15 minutes or so, then asked Caleb if he wanted to ride up front. Caleb said no, he wanted to drive. I asked the little boy if Caleb could have a turn now, and the kid started throwing a fit! His dad told him it was time to move on and let other people have a turn, and the kid kept throwing his fit. Finally the mother was like " Just let him have his own way! God!" Talk about a spoiled kid....

Anyway, this museum had the cars, a grocery store, a water purification station (that used balls to show the process), a tv station, a tree house, and a building station among other things. It was awesome! Two pieces of advice though:
1) Three is a little young to go. Caleb's attention span is not long enough to stay at one activity very long, so we were done in two hours. Go when your kids are a little older.
2) Don't run into your OB/GYN there. It's kind of awkward.

After the museum, we decided to walk the couple of block to the nearest Metro station to let Caleb ride the train. Like all little boys, he loves trains. This was the best three dollars we ever spent. The tickets were $1 per person for unlimited riding for two hours. We only rode for 30 minutes, but Caleb loved every minute of it. I would recommend riding the train over the children's museum any day!

So next time you're in Houston, looking for cheap entertainment ideas, check out the Houston Children's Museum and the Houston Metro train.

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