Wednesday, October 29, 2008

So, back to life plans.

What in the world do you do with a biochemistry degree?

Does anyone know, because I sure don't.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Where does all the money go?

I am not sleeping this morning because I am too nauseous to sleep. I gave it a valiant try, even tried to sleep in the chair, but it's not working for me. So I decided a much needed blog is in order.

Lately, I've been noticing where my tuition for my "high quality education goes". Here's what my tuition does:

  • My tuition goes to paying a guy to blow pine needles and leaves from one side of campus to the other EVERY FREAKING DAY!
  • My tuition goes to changing the flowers in the flower beds every 3 months.
  • My tuition goes to pay the Janitors to sit on their butts and not do anything.
  • My tuition does pay to fix the BRAND NEW student center that they built wrong.
  • My tuition does pay for the Rec Center (which I don't mind paying for because it's a great facility).
Here is what my tuition does NOT do:
  • My tuition cannot pay to update the Chemistry building, which is the third oldest building on campus. The two that are older have both been remodeled and updated. Meanwhile, we are all taking chemistry in a building that is becoming more of a health hazard by the day.
  • My tuition cannot pay to clean out the vents in the science building (so we don't have the nasty junk that comes out of them on our desks every day).
  • My tuition does not pay for alcohol or drug abuse awareness and prevention.
  • My tuition does not pay for a more friendly campus for those who are disabled.
  • My tuition does not pay for more parking for students. It's ridiculous when students that live IN the dorms have to park all the way across campus. It's also impossible to find a parking spot if you're a commuter.
I'm sure I could go on and on with a list of things my tuition does not do. The point is that I am paying a butt load of money for this "quality education" and you would think that some of that money I pay could at least go towards ACADEMIC stuff. But no....

I hate the bureaucracy of it all.